AI's influence on programming language trends

October 14, 2024

I believe that the most widely used programming languages today will become even more popular in the future. This is because AI is helping us write code, and it works best with languages that lots of people use. The more a language is used, the more examples there are for AI to learn from. As time goes on, AI tools will get better at helping with these languages because they have more data to work with.

This situation creates a positive loop:

  • The more people use a programming language, the more data AI systems have to learn from. This allows the AI tools to become more intelligent and provide better assistance for that particular language.
  • If AI makes coding in a particular language easier, more people will be inclined to use that language. Beginners find it less intimidating, while experts can work more efficiently.

Languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java are good examples. They are already popular, so AI tools for them are very strong. This makes more people want to use them, which in turn makes the AI tools even better. For someone learning to code, starting with these languages might be easier because of the strong AI support. So if you’re in the middle of choosing a programming language for your new project, choose wisely, think about the future, and consider the AI support for each language because we might enter into a future where no human writes code anymore and it is to AIs to decide what language to use and how.